
[GET] Show Order Details

slugstringY unique instance name defined for payment page. Can be found on each payment page settings page in CRM.
orderIdstringY unique identifier of order

Response Payload

  "order": {
    "id": "b12f17d4-5c82-4019-9826-23a17edc72c7",
    "currency": "EUR",
    "order_number": "107722557",
    "value": "100",
    "expected_amount": "100",
    "received_total": "95.5",
    "exchange_rate": null,
    "clean_exchange_rate": null,
    "is_internal": false,
    "deposited_currency": "EUR",
    "received_currency": "EUR",
    "status": "COMPLETE",
    "external_order_id": null,
    "created_at": "2024-01-20 08:06:00",
    "completed_at": "2024-01-20 08:08:41",
    "acquiring_url": "",
    "successful_link": null,
    "failure_link": null,
    "transactions": [
        "id": "e145438e-6468-4b3b-8acb-bbbe23c5e09e",
        "type": "FIAT_INVOICE",
        "currency": "EUR",
        "value": "100",
        "status": "COMPLETE",
        "hash": "pay_hzno17t6j7uwunp5wuwgr7bvlf4",
        "is_internal": false,
        "created_at": "2024-01-20 08:08:41",
        "completed_at": "2024-01-20 08:08:41"

Check out order entity reference for detailed description.

[GET] Show Orders List

slugstringY unique instance name defined for payment page. Can be found on each payment page settings page in CRM.

Response Payload

  "orders": [
      "id": "fb6d3059-ca3d-4dfc-a338-cdf457f5e1b1",
      "currency": "UAH",
      "expected_amount": "15500.50",
      "received_total": "0",
      "exchange_rate": "37.83",
      "received_currency": "USDT",
      "deposited_currency": "USDT",
      "value": "15500.50",
      "status": "COMPLETE",
      "external_order_id": "INV-123",
      "created_at": "2022-03-23 09:25:18",
      "completed_at": "2022-03-23 09:35:16",
      "acquiring_url": "",
      "order_number": "000000001"
      "id": "08d585b1-86c6-496d-b413-ab17aa74fdd6",
      "currency": "UAH",
      "expected_amount": "200",
      "received_total": "0",
      "exchange_rate": "37.83",
      "received_currency": "USDT",
      "deposited_currency": "USDT",
      "value": "200",
      "status": "COMPLETE",
      "external_order_id": "INV-123",
      "created_at": "2022-03-22 23:46:12",
      "completed_at": "2022-03-22 23:55:01",
      "acquiring_url": "",
      "order_number": "000000002"
  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "last_page": 1,
    "total": 2


ParamTypeRequired Description
pageintN Page number
per_pageintN Count of items per page
date_fromdateN Format: 2022-06-01+00:00:00
date_todateN Format: 2022-06-01+00:00:00
completed_at_fromdateN Format: 2022-06-01+00:00:00
completed_at_todateN Format: 2022-06-01+00:00:00
order_status_iduuidN Ref. Order Status ID
external_order_idstringN Ref. External Order ID

Check out pagination entity reference for detailed description.

[GET] Order Statuses List


Response Payload

  "order_statuses": [
      "id": "5af96312-b7b9-4d21-9958-30285a54f4c8",
      "label": "CANCELED"
      "id": "7f8550ad-11da-4060-8d1d-54a6d9c08e10",
      "label": "INIT"
      "id": "f46218e8-e883-4478-abac-f5b8c94f97c2",
      "label": "PARTIALLY_FULFILLED"
      "id": "ab306dbd-b837-413a-add5-3bd76542c1c4",
      "label": "COMPLETE"
      "id": "1ca06987-ede3-44e3-be1c-f883e82d267b",
      "label": "DECLINED"
      "id": "984617f8-81fc-4971-b5d0-acebbc6d9d9c",
      "label": "OPEN"

Check out order status entity reference for detailed description.

[GET] Show Transaction Details


Response Payload

  "transaction": {
    "id": "23d2ca58-20bf-416f-960b-8eae02224653",
    "currency": "USDT",
    "value": "10",
    "status": "COMPLETE",
    "hash": "internal_transaction_b3f79c32-525f-46ea-848e-ae172c13697d",
    "is_internal": true,
    "created_at": "2022-03-23 14:40:53",
    "completed_at": "2022-03-23 14:45:53"

Description - Check out Transaction entity reference for detailed description.

[GET] Get USDT/UAH exchange rate


Response Payload


Additional endpoints

To get credentials to API endpoint that allow you to perform withdraw via API contact your account manager.

Static wallets