API Reference

Entity Reference



per_pageintcurrent represented page
last_pageintlast represented page (number of pages)
totalinttotal number of entities

Status Codes

200OKIndicates that the request has succeeded.
401UnauthorizedIndicates that the request requires user authentication information. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field.
404Not FoundThe server can not find the requested resource.
422Unprocessable EntityThe server understands the content type and syntax of the request entity, but still server is unable to process the request for some reason.
500Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.

Account Balance

idstringunique key
currencyobjectbalance currency



idstringinternal order identifier
currencystringinvoice currency (ticker)
valuestring (numeric)invoice currency amount
deposit_currencystringcurrency of deposit (ticker)
received_currencystringbalance currency (ticker)
received_totalstring (numeric)received amount in balance currency
expected_amountstring (numeric)expected amount to be deposited
order statusstringorder status label
external_order_idstringexternal order identifier
created_atdatetimedate of order creation
completed_atdatetimedate of order completion
acquiring_urlstringunique payment form url. Should be used to redirect website customer to the payment form.
is_internalbooleanidentifies whether payment was made via WhiteBIT platform or not where true = WhiteBIT platform payment and false = any other platform.
exchange_ratestring (numeric)fixated exchange rate of invoice
successful_linkstringlink used to redirect user from payment form after order completion. For crypto acquiring orders only. Has to be URL.
failure_linkstringlink used to redirect user from payment form in case of order failure. For crypto acquiring orders only. Has to be URL.
order_numberstringunique 9-digit numeric order identifier in Whitepay CRM system.


idstringinternal transaction identifier
currencystringtransaction currency
valuestring (numeric)transaction amount
statusstringtransaction status
hashstringtransaction hash
is_internalbooleanidentifies whether payment was made via WhiteBIT platform or not where true = WhiteBIT platform payment and false = any other platform
created_atdatetimedate of transaction creation
completed_atdatetimedate of transaction completion

Order Status

idstringInternal Whitepay status identifier
labelstringStatus label

Invoice Currencies

idstringinternal currency identifier
tickerstringcurrency ticker
is_fiatbooleana parameter that determines whether the currency is fiat
titlestringcurrency title
min_amountstring (numeric)min currency amount for order creation
max_amountstring (numeric)max currency amount for order creation
precisionstring (numeric)currency precision - number of characters after the decimal point
iconstringcurrency icon for acquiring form


idstringcurrency id
tickerstringcurrency ticker
titlestringcurrency title
valuestring (numeric)value in this currency